25 Cool Pie Designs To Inspire Your Thanksgiving

If you're usually in charge of bringing dessert to Thanksgiving, you better start studying these fantastic pie designs for dessert inspiration. We may not be able to create one quite this stunning, but it's good to have goals.

We can actually hear this pie. Don't let any other porgs see you eating this, or you'll be shamed like Chewie. Shamed, but full, so...worth it.

We bet it's hard to resist saying "It's showtime!" when showing off this cool Beetlejuice pie. You earned it.

The purrfect pie for Caturday night. Oops, we meant Saturday. Hairball.

This impressive tree manages to look elegant and spooky at the same time. Which is basically the vibe we're always going for.

This artwork totally belongs in a museum. Or at least the museum cafe.

Swipe up to see all of the pie ideas!