The 18 Best New Products Arriving At Trader Joe’s This September 2023

September marks the official beginning of Fall (despite stores stocking Halloween products in July), and with it, comes all the pumpkin and apple products you could ever want. So, here’s a look at the best new products arriving at Trader Joe’s in September.

Remember Cookie Crisp cereal? So do we. Fondly. That’s part of the reason we were so excited to see these hit the shelves. It’s not quite as easy to pretend these are breakfast.

Seeing these on the shelves screams crisp air and crunchy leaves almost as loudly as the pumpkin spice latte, and definitely louder than our doctors telling us that eating the whole six-pack will give us sugar-induced hallucinations.

With cookie dough chunks, a sea salt fudge, and chocolate chips, this pint is basically a sundae that we don’t have to assemble ourselves.

Spreadable cheese is already bullets one through five in our nightly gratitude journal, but add in some spice from hatch chile? Friends and family are getting bumped from that list altogether.

“Twisty” and “rustic” can describe either these pretzel sticks or the crude first draft of our drama-filled spec script. However, our 100-page script doesn’t taste as good dunked in mustard.

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